To My Divine Counterpart

When we realize we were not yet our best selves, even when we feel love wholeheartedly, we are shown our truth. The pull of this love is something beyond this world. It is God within that pulls us closer. When we meet, not yet ready, we can break because the cracks that were already there within us, are reflected back to us causing double distortion and heartbreak. These are but lessons and blessings for us to grow and heal. There is a great loss in this, but a greater treasure to be found.

I lost myself to the point of extinction, and it wasn’t for true love at all. I lost it out of fear of losing the love that was outside me, not realizing I was missing the love inside me all along. It left me shattered and unrecognizable, with no longer the same thoughts or perceptions, and intimately like the girl that had no name. I became floating essence of the divine while existentially fragmented throughout the universe. However, only more of ourselves can be found this way. To be given the opportunity to reborn from losing all you once knew, you will be able to BE true love.

Love is never lost, not true love, divine love of source. I do not believe until now I truly had an idea what love is. Love is the acceptance and appreciation for self (God/life) first and foremost, and for everything, all of it, real, forgiving, joy, boundaries, authenticity, disagreements, laughter, affection, attention, listening, play, etc. It is honest, trusting, nurturing, and everything in between, that in which we give ourselves. The versions of us may need to further evolve and heal to better understand and integrate this, but our souls never do. We are perfectly Divine as we always have been.

I recognized you, the pull was so strong to find you, I’ve been searching lifetimes to feel you again♾💕I feel you deeply today💋😪, and no matter the circumstances, no matter the past, no matter the hurt, no matter the challenged road of healing ahead💚 I surrender to our love, I get out of my own way, I surrender to breaking again just to rise up higher, to trusting the universe, to hearing you in my heart and believing what I cannot see with my naked eye, our love reigns over all space and time. I only have eyes for you💕I chose me to chose you, and I wont stop until this love blooms.

I’m sorry. Please Forgive me. Thank You. I Love You.


Violet Rays Jane, Wellness Specialist

Heal your emotional body. Discover your inner wisdom. Ignite your soul’s purpose.

One response to “To My Divine Counterpart”

  1. Indigo Sage Avatar

    Amazing share! 🙏

    You are truly blessed! 🙇

    Missing our amazing conversations! 😇


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